Monday, May 10, 2010

Holy Rattlesnakes! Jeff Mangum Plays a Live Set in New York!

If you've read this blog more than a couple times, you probably know that I'm basically obsessed with the band Neutral Milk Hotel. Fueling that obsession of course is the fact that lead singer Jeff Mangum had completely disappeared after releasing the life changing In The Aeroplane Over The Sea and had only rarely been spotted in public over the last decade. This weekend however, saw his most formal and public appearance since the 1990's, performing at a charity event in New York for Kiwi musician and stroke victim, Chris Knox. Mangum stepped onto the stage and played five Neutral Milk Hotel songs, swelling hearts like mine that thought he was gone forever and blowing minds with his still incredible voice and lyrics. Below you can checkout a few clips of the gig - of course, this being Mangum, even the videos are grainy, hard to see and mysterious - but who cares! This is Jeff Mangum! Alive and well! Playing Neutral Milk Hotel songs! In front of people!


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