First, an intimate behind the scenes look of Justin Vernon and Sean Carey making beautiful music. Two pianos, two musical geniuses, 24 minutes, go watch.
Second, the National played a shot at the Glenn Gould Studio last Thursday in Toronto and the fans were in for a treat in the form of two brand new, unreleased songs: "Rylan" and "I Need My Girl".
Third, a really cool calendar a fan made for the National, which each month occupying a different song.
Fourth, the Boss is at it again!!!
And a single...
The single isn't incredible but I still hold out high hopes for the album.
Fifth and last (because it deserves to be) is Skrillex. I am not a fan of dubstep in any way, shape, or form. But my high-school friends firmly believe it is the future of music. So, to mock their beliefs, I'll post a song and let you guys be the judge.
Note: If the song is played at under 150 decibels, odds are, you will realize it is abysmal.
Finally, a hilarious video of Kramer listening to Skrillex. 100% believable.
Happy President's Day Weekend,
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